A panel of innovation experts will judge the Indian Ocean Defence & Security 2024 Innovation Awards including current and former leaders from leading Australian Defence, Research and Industry organisations including Austrade, Boeing, the Centre for Defence Industry Capability, Defence Science Institute, DMTC Limited, Defence Science and Technology Group and CSIRO.
DMTC supports Australian defence capability by advancing the knowledge and technical capability of Australia’s defence industry, through collaborative research projects involving industry and research partners.
Mr Tony Quick was the independent non-executive Chair of Quickstep Holdings Ltd from 2013 to 2020, the Director of the Enterprise Connect Defence Industry Innovation Centre 2009 to 2011, Director and General Manager of GKN Aerospace Engineering Services from 2001 to 2009.
Senior Investment Specialist – Critical Technologies
Professor Regina Crameri graduated from the University of Technology, Sydney in Biomedical Science. She has a PhD in Exercise Science from the University of Sydney and has held teaching positions at the University of Sydney, Australia and Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
She spent five (5) years as a post-doctoral scientist at the prestigious Copenhagen Muscle Research Centre, Denmark. For 13 years she worked as a Senior Defence Scientist in the Health and Human Performance and Biological Sciences groups at the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG). She has held the position of Associate Director of the Defence Science Institute, where she helped to facilitate research and development in the defence and national security sector.
She has been the Associate Dean of Allied Health, School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, RMIT, where she led four health disciplines in both teaching and research. She is also the Director and Founder of AIR4, which aims to change the paradigm of STEM education in Australia by encouraging students to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) throughout their education to increase the talent pipeline for STEM industries. Currently she is the Head of Critical Technologies at the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) where she enables Australian businesses to trade internationally while supporting important investment into Australia. In her spare time, she is a mother to five beautiful children.
Advocate, Advisor, and promoter of Defence SME development
Andrew currently collaborates with a small team of business consultants focussing on growing Australia’s innovative Defence SMEs. He has had an extensive multi decade Defence industry career beginning as an Aerospace engineer at BAE SYSTEMS and GKN Aerospace.
Andrew transitioned into SME advisory services funded by the Department of Defence through the Defence Industry Innovation Centre (DIIC), which later grew to be part of the Centre for Defence Industry Capability (CDIC), which Andrew ran.
Andrew has been a mentor on the Defence Industry Study Course and through all parts of his career has proudly found opportunities to guide hundreds of SMEs from a great idea to successfully delivering Defence capability and business outcomes.
Honorary Fellow at CSIRO, Past Executive Director of CSIRO, Office of the Chief Executive Science Leader and Chief of CSIRO Process Science and Engineering
Dr Anita Hill is an Honorary Fellow in the Active Materials Team led by Dr Adrian Trinchi in CSIRO Manufacturing.
Previously she was an Executive Director of CSIRO. Prior to that she was an Office of the Chief Executive Science Leader and Chief of CSIRO Process Science and Engineering.
She is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Chair of the Australian National Nanofabrication Facility Victoria Node and Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication, Chair of the Research Advisory Committee for the ARC Centre of Excellence in Green Electrochemical Transformation of CO2, former Chair of the ATSE Victorian Division, and Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
She is a former Director of AeHRC, NCEDA, VCSCM, and MSA. She is on the advisory boards of the AUSMURI Centre for Additive Manufacturing, the US DOE Energy Frontier Research Center for Materials for Water and Energy Systems, the MacDiarmid Institute, the Intelligent Polymer Research Institute (IPRI University of Wollongong), and the Centre for Transformative Innovation at Swinburne. She is a former member of advisory boards for The Australian Synchrotron (former Chair of the Science Advisory Board), Swinburne Industry Research Board, Monash University Faculty of Engineering, Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN University of Queensland), the Institute for Frontier Materials (Deakin University), the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE University of Queensland), and Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics (editorial board).
Dr. Hill’s research is in materials and process engineering and, more specifically, in transport of atoms, ions and small molecules in condensed matter. Dr Hill was awarded a Bachelor of Engineering and a Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science from Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA.
Former Director
AMDA Foundation Limited
Paul graduated with a Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in 1972 and with a Master of Science in Aircraft Design from Cranfield Institute of Technology (UK) in 1974.
He joined the Navy in 1963 as a Naval apprentice becoming an Aeronautical Engineering Officer holding numerous Engineering positions in the RAN’s Flight Trials Unit, aircraft squadrons and in Engineering policy roles in Canberra.
In 1985, after 22 years in the RAN, Paul joined General Electric (USA) as the Australian Manager of Business Development, based in Canberra. In 1990, he was assigned to Singapore as the ASEAN countries Regional Director for Business Development. In 1994, Paul was promoted to regional President and remained in this position until 1998. During his time in Singapore, Paul established a new Joint Venture business (RLM) based in Melbourne.
In 1998 Paul moved back to Australia as Chief Executive Officer of the company, employing over 900 staff in four locations in Australia. In May 2003, Paul located to Canberra as Managing Director and CEO of the newly restructured business, Lockheed Martin Australia. From 2007 to 2011, Paul was the Chairman of the Australian Industry Group’s Defence Industry Executive.
Paul retired in July 2011 and has, since then, held a number of Board positions including the Kokoda Foundation, Air Force Board, the South Australian Govt Defence Advisory Board and Chairman of the Rail Manufacturing CRC. Paul is currently a Board member of AMDA Foundation and is an independent adviser to MINDI for innovation programs submitted through Defence’s Innovation hub.
He was awarded an MBE in 1980 in recognition of his contribution to the advancement of Naval Aircraft Engineering and is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Aadi Defence Pty Ltd
Ian Sare had a career in Australia’s two largest public sector R&D organisations – CSIRO and DSTO. As Deputy Chief Defence Scientist his responsibilities at DSTO included oversight of the development of technologies underpinning military platforms in the air and maritime domains, as well as those supporting defence in chemical, biological and radiological environments.
He also led the engagement of DSTO with its Defence Department clients, and managed the development of the organisation’s strategic plan and its annually-developed program of science and technology. Prior to joining DSTO he was Chief of Division, CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology.
Innovation Coordinator
AMDA Foundation Limited
Dr Gregor Ferguson, Ph.D is the Innovation Coordinator and founder of the Innovation Awards Program at the AMDA Foundation Limited. A former editor of Australian Defence Magazine, he now writes on defence innovation as a freelance.
His Ph.D from the University of Adelaide was on Defence Industry Innovation and he has an Honours degree in Industrial Design (Transportation) from Coventry University in England.
Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC)